
Showing posts from June, 2020


Welcome to the Blind Genealogist’s GenBlog! This GenBlog, I hope, will be an act of love and labor as I share my family tree to those who may or may not be connected. I hope to share my findings of how I connected the dots of those directly and indirectly related to me. I hope to share more than just the familial ties but the overview of those individual’s historical connection to our society. I hope to share with you some data and facts as well as what documentations that makes those connections possible.  I am Matthew D. Friend, the Blind Genealogist, who have been doing research for over 35 years. I want to thank my best friend, Jaymie Hunter, who always worked on her own family tree while we ran around searching for some answers, whether it was her owns or mine. Thanks, Jaymie! To share a bit more about myself, yes, I’m blind, legally blind, that is, where I still have some vision to work with these days. Though, is it painfully and slowly getting progressively worsts. Such as ...